09 Advantages to becoming a freelancer

1. Schedule flexibility

Without a doubt, flexible working hours are one of the great advantages of being a freelancer. There are professionals who manage to produce better in the morning, while others prefer the afternoon or evening to work. The decision to take weekends off or not is also up to each individual.

In this way, it is possible to adjust the professional schedule with personal activities, such as going to the gym, studying, taking care of the children, among others. This situation goes hand in hand with better time management, which positively affects your personal life.

For this advantage to really be a differential, professionalism must be a relevant point. That is, it is not because of the possibility of being able to choose the working hours that the freelancer has a justification for delaying the delivery of the service. Quite the contrary, as the customer will always be aware of production and deadlines.

2. Work from anywhere

Who doesn’t want the chance to choose where to work on certain days of the week? Or even for a certain period of life? Because this option is precisely another of the main advantages of being a freelancer, which is directly related to the flexibility of hours.

At first, most of these professionals choose to develop their activities from home. For this, it is important to reserve a special corner to become an office. Preferably one that is silent and receives a great internet signal. Having a suitable computer for the activity is also extremely important.

From time to time, to escape isolation, many freelancers go to a space called coworking. It is a place with environments specially designed for self-employment, where you can take your computer and mingle with other workers.

Coworking has become important for anyone who wants to develop good networking with people from different areas. Some of these spaces even offer rooms reserved for receiving clients.

More experienced self-employed professionals, or those with good financial income, can adhere to the style known as digital nomads.

In this case, the work can be carried out from anywhere in the world.

There are those who prefer this alternative for a short period. Others choose to live in another country and work normally from their new address. But all with due professionalism and planning for the decision to be a success.

3. Networking

Since the subject of networking was mentioned in the previous topic, know that this tool, if well developed, can yield new contracts. After all, the basic principle in this case is to gain more and more prominence and encourage the building of relationships with people in your professional environment.

Thus, networking fits perfectly among the advantages of being a freelancer these days. Again, it is possible to refer to the previous item when talking about coworking space.

4. Greater productivity

From the moment a freelancer understands that it is necessary to have an appropriate place to work, and if he plans to follow the chosen schedule, his productivity tends to be significant. What often does not happen inside offices, due to the number of employees who share the same room.

Other factors that can be listed are the pauses for conversations about parallel subjects, coming in and going out that interfere with concentration and phones that ring insistently. As well as stops for meetings and interruptions of a project in development to perform a task that has nothing to do with your function.

Being a freelancer who performs an exciting activity makes daily production a pleasure, in addition to not even noticing the hours passing on the clock.

5. Increased knowledge

Those who work autonomously know that one of the advantages of being a freelancer is the absorption of new knowledge. This happens because of the need to always be in search of new information through research and studies to develop the work with excellence.

This is a possibility offered by the fact of working at home, without external pressure and limited time. Between one stop or another for a coffee, or during idle time, nothing better than updating on social networks, portals, blogs and books that discuss subjects related to the activity carried out.

6. Lower expense

Just imagine the expenses that several workers with a formal contract have in their day to day. Basically, these costs are related to fuel for travel and food, as well as other purchases that arise sporadically due to the long time “on the street”.

The freelancer who works from home avoids these expenses. Of course, it is necessary to have a discipline regarding behavior.

That is, do not abuse the use of electricity, for example, as in the case of air conditioning. When working in a home office regime, you can abuse lighter clothing and avoid this consumption.

7. Enhancement of earnings

In summary, the more jobs requested, the greater the revenue at the end of a month. It’s just not a good thing to take too many jobs or projects and not be able to deliver them on time or with the proper quality.

From the moment that these deliveries respect what is expected by the customer, the chances of increasing demand are imminent.

8. Exclusive freedoms

No jacket and tie and no restrictions on eating while working or no listening to music during working hours. A freelancer who works from home, on the beach, outdoors or in a coworking space has complete freedom with regard to clothing and other matters related to behavior.

Sometimes a short break in production is welcome to clear your head a little. Since you are your own boss, taking a quick look at WhatsApp messages or photos shared on Instagram is free.

Trips to the bathroom or even to the fridge to see if you have something to eat or drink are also facilitated.

When you have full control of the schedule and what should be produced that day, nothing prevents the freelancer from stopping at the time of a football match, news or soap opera. And resume the function later, if you haven’t already done your work just to take advantage of this scheduled break.

09. Balance of personal and professional life

By putting together each of the advantages of being a freelancer presented in this article, it is concluded that the disciplined professional will guarantee an excellent balance between his personal and professional life. Something that formal employment in an office, agency or factory hardly makes available to its employees.

The routine of a common worker tends to be too stressful. Not to mention the time lost in commuting, whether by car or public transport. If in the past this was perfectly accepted, in modern life it has become a kind of prison.

Not being able to take advantage of leisure time to take care of the mind, health and children, and even receiving a salary that does not match the intellectual capacity, are situations that can lead to depression in some cases.

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